Secrets to Success in Match-3 Games: How to Effectively Create Combinations

Match-3 games continue to remain popular due to their engaging and simple gameplay. Despite their apparent simplicity, achieving success in these games requires a certain strategy and understanding of the mechanics. In this article, we’ll reveal secrets that will help you effectively create combinations and achieve better results.

1. Plan Your Moves Ahead

One of the most common mistakes beginners make is playing “automatically,” without thinking about the following steps. To get the best results, it’s essential to not only focus on the current opportunities for creating combinations but also on what will happen after you make them.

  • Look at which pieces might fall into place after the current combination.
  • Plan your moves so that the next combination brings more points or activates a bonus.

2. Create Special Combinations

In addition to basic combinations of three identical elements, match-3 games allow you to create special combinations that offer significant advantages.

  • Collect 4 elements in a row to get a bonus that clears a row or column.
  • Combinations of 5 elements can give you bombs or other powerful bonuses that explode and clear large areas.
  • Use these bonuses on challenging levels to reduce the number of moves and increase your chances of winning.

3. Utilize Combo Moves

When you manage to collect multiple bonuses, try activating them simultaneously. This is called a combo move. Such combinations can clear a large number of elements from the board and give a significant amount of points.

  • Activate two bonuses at once for a powerful effect.
  • Strategically use bonuses on hard-to-reach areas of the board.

4. Focus on Level Objectives

In different match-3 games, levels may have various objectives: collect certain elements, clear obstacles, or reach a specific score. Always pay attention to the level’s objectives and plan your moves accordingly.

  • Focus on the elements tied to the level’s goals.
  • If you need to clear a specific area, don’t waste moves on sections of the board that don’t affect the objective.

5. Use Bombs and Bonuses on Difficult Levels

When you encounter especially difficult levels, don’t hesitate to use accumulated bonuses and bombs. Sometimes their proper use is the key to successfully completing the level, especially if the number of moves is limited.

  • Bombs and other bonuses are effective for destroying obstacles.
  • Accumulate bonuses on early levels to use them later.

6. Learn From Your Mistakes

If you lose a level or fail to complete all the tasks in the given number of moves, don’t give up. Analyze your mistakes, think about which moves were ineffective, and try a new approach.

  • Try different strategies on tough levels.
  • Don’t be afraid to restart the level if you see that the situation isn’t going your way.

7. Don’t Waste Moves

Every move counts, especially on levels with limited moves. Avoid wasting moves on pointless combinations. Instead, look for opportunities to create larger matches or activate bonuses.

  • Aim to collect combinations of at least 4 elements whenever possible.
  • Try to accomplish multiple level goals at the same time.


Success in match-3 games requires not only speed but also strategic thinking. By planning your moves, creating powerful combinations, and effectively using bonuses, you can significantly improve your results and pass the toughest levels. Apply these tips in practice, and soon you’ll find yourself overcoming even the hardest challenges in match-3 games with ease.